What Happens to your Health Insurance During a Divorce


If you are going through a divorce, you are not required to maintain insurance eon your spouse, but a court would likely order that you maintain the status quo with things like insurance. So in most cases, health insurance coverage typically stays the same through the duration of the divorce. So if you are paying for your spouse’s coverage, you will likely be required to until the divorce is final. If you are looking to lose your insurance, you will want to start making plans so you are prepared when the divorce is final.

Begin Researching your own Coverage

Does your employer offer insurance? If they do, you are able to enroll outside of the typical enrollment period due to the divorce. If they do not offer insurance, you should begin to research your options through the health insurance marketplace.

After divorce, you may be able to keep insurance through COBRA

You could also keep your coverage though your ex’s insurance plan and pay for it yourself. This is known as COBRA insurance. This would let you maintain coverage under their health plan for 36 months. The big question when looking into COBRA coverage is the cost because a lot of employers contribute to health insurance lowering the cost so your out of pocket expenses could rise dramatically through COBRA coverage.


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