Grandparent Visitation in Indiana

Grandparents have some rights in Indiana but they are not available in all situations. If they are available the court will consider what is in the child’s best interests with regards to grandparent visitation, considering factors such as whether the grandparent has had meaningful contact with the grandchild as well as the wishes of the parents.



In the State of Indiana, a grandparent may seek visitation rights to a grandchild if one of the following conditions is met:

  1. A parent is deceased;

  2. The parents are divorced; or

  3. The parents were never married. (A paternal grandparent does not have rights if paternity has never been established).

To open a case you will need to file a petition for grandparent visitation in the county where the child lives or in the parents divorce case if there is one open.


The burden in a grandparent visitation can be difficult because the court gives great weight to parents wishes with regards to visitation. Having an attorney with you experienced in these cases can help you overcome that burden. Please give us a call today at (317) 759-3225 for a free consultation about your case.


In the State of Indiana, a grandparent may seek visitation rights to a grandchild if one of the following conditions is met:

  1. A parent is deceased;

  2. The parents are divorced; or

  3. The parents were never married. (A paternal grandparent does not have rights if paternity has never been established).

To open a case you will need to file a petition for grandparent visitation in the county where the child lives or in the parents divorce case if there is one open.


The burden in a grandparent visitation can be difficult because the court gives great weight to parents wishes with regards to visitation. Having an attorney with you experienced in these cases can help you overcome that burden. Please give us a call today at (317) 759-3225 for a free consultation about your case.

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